Armed with the skills of regional anaesthesia, intensive care and the backup of patient transport, Axon Anaesthesia Associates is geared for optimal management of trauma patients. Be it vascular, thoracic, GI or orthopedic trauma, we understand the pathophysiology and urgency and deal with it scientifically. We have extensive experience in anaesthesia and analgesia especially in patients with other co-morbidities for joint replacements, arthroscopy, and corrective spinal surgery.
Our USPs the maximum number of fellows of the royal college of anaesthetists in the country. 90 anaesthetists. The largest private practice anesthesia group in the country. Focused expertise in anaesthesia for cardiac patients for non-cardiac surgery. We anesthetise for nearly 175 surgeons. 17000 cases a year. 15 operating sites. 2250 cardiac cases a year. Recognized center for training in ultrasound-guided blocks. Complete anaesthesia and critical care for anything in anaesthesia. Assistance and advice in planning, and setting up intensive care units and operating theatres. Expertise in transplantation anaesthesia. Expertise in cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia. Expertise in transportation of the critically ill patient. Active training programme.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates has been associated with organ transplant since the inception of the group. A pioneer in south India for anaesthesia for liver transplant, axon was instrumental in conducting the first successful liver transplant in Hyderabad. The programme has grown and the group has participated in nearly 50 liver transplants and more than 200 kidney transplants. A trained team is on standby 24/7 to for a cadaver donation and transplant. The expertise in other spheres extends to kidney, cardiac, and lung transplant. We have expertise and legal knowledge in managing and opimising a brain dead organ donor.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates has skills in managing advanced laparoscopic surgery be it for the GI tract, urology or bariatric surgery. We manage around 10 laparoscopic procedures a day. The spectrum includes robotic GI surgery procedures. Anaesthesia for GI surgery is one of the core skills of Axon Anaesthesia Associates. We anaesthetise of the entire range of GI surgeries including liver transplantation and malignancy surgery in adults and children. The care of these patients includes pre-optimisation, intraop care, analgesia, and post op intensive care. We are the only private group that caters to the niche segment of liver surgery, which includes liver transplantation, resections, donor hepatectomy, and portocaval shunts.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates handles the anaesthesia and critical care of a dedicated ENT hospital. We undertake nearly 1000 cases per year of anaesthesia for cutting edge endoscopic surgery, airway and associated laser surgery, bronchoscopy, micro ear surgery including cochlear implantation and sleep apnea surgery. Head and neck malignancy surgery is also part of the portfolio. Our team is well versed in sedation techniques, and management of the difficult airway.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates prides itself in bringing international quality critical care to Hyderabad. A dedicated critical care team looks after 115 critical care beds of various levels in various hospitals. The team is capable of planning, advising in construction, choosing equipment, and medical staffing of the intensive care unit. Axon Anaesthesia Associates is well versed with all the modern tools of critical care. We can provide critical care for all the procedures including neurosurgical, cardiothoracic, obstetric, liver critical care, transplantation, paediatric cardiac care, and medical intensive care. We have expertise in advanced haemodynamic monitoring, advanced ventilation techniques, renal replacement therapy, neuro monitoring, liver support therapy. We have in house training and some of our members are recognized for training intensive care fellows. An excellent library, and weekly focused critical care discussions keep the team abreast of the cutting edge of critical care. Axon Anaesthesia Associates believes in the team approach to critical care wherein the entire team comprising nurses, physiotherapists, biomedical engineers, pharmacists, microbiologists, and biochemists are involved in patient care. The combination of anaesthesia and critical care makes Axon Anaesthesia Associates an excellent team to handle any critical care issue.
Cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia is one of the core skills of Axon Anaesthesia Associates. We undertake nearly 2500 cardiac anaesthetics per year. The range includes paediatric cardiac surgery for congenital heart defects to adult robotic cardiac surgery. Specialised procedures include aortic surgery and pulmonary thrombendarterectomy. Comprising of 20 qualified cardiac anaesthetists, Axon as a group has the largest experience with robotic surgery anaesthesia in South India. With skills in transoesophageal echocardiography, and advanced haemodynamic monitoring, the team is geared to look after any cardiac case, both during and after surgery. Axon Anaesthesia Associates undertakes anaesthesia for complex vascular surgeries. These include thoraco bifemoral grafting, thoracic and abdominal aortic surgery, thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms, and carotid surgery. The skills extend into the pre-optimisation and postoperative care of these patients. Axon as a team is particularly skilled in thoracic anaesthesia in both paediatric and adult patients. We can undertake the entire range of thoracic anaesthesia procedures from preoptimisation, analgesia, and lung separation techniques and postoperative care, for the entire spectrum of thoracic surgery. From VATS to oesophageal, thoracic aortic, thoracic spine procedures, Lung volume reduction surgery, lung transplantation Axon Anaesthesia Associates can plan and undertake the entire spectrum of thoracic surgery.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates is the only group in the country with a dedicated ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia programme. Regional blocks are used extensively as the primary anaesthetic or as a part of multimodal analgesia. The latter is particularly useful in cardiac patients for non-cardiac surgery. The range of blocks offered is all plexus blocks, TAPS, intrapleural, epidural, paravertebral, peripheral nerve of both upper and lower limbs, and the blocks needed for management of cancer pain.
Pain managment is serious business for Axon Anaesthesia Associates. One of the missions of Axon Anaesthesia Associates is superior postoperative pain relief. We practice a multimodal pain relief system with the belief that no patient should feel pain, we practice a multitude of pain management regimens that can cater to various surgical procedures. With our superior skills in regional pain blocks we can tackle most of the common postoperative pain scenarios.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates caters to an exclusive paediatric population. We are skilled in anesthesia for ent, abdominal, cardiothoracic, and neurosurgical procedures. We also provide yeoman service for paediatric plastic procedures.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates believes in the concept of continuous education of anaesthetists. That translates to patient safety first and better patient care in our practice. Classes are compulsory it serves as an occasion where anaesthetists can meet and exchange views and form policies. Moreover Axon is active in the Indian society of anaesthetists, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Consultants from the group are invited as faculty to their meetings. We have done our bit in promoting the cause of organ donation to the community. Regular bi annual workshops are held on ultrasound guided regional blocks. Fresh postgraduates into anaesthesia can be assured of variety in their practice, and seniors can continue to improve their medical education. Axon Anaesthesia Associates provides a hedged fund for conference attendance for the associates and actively encourages their participation in various forums of anaesthesia, pain and intensive care. Finally an active DNB anaesthesia-teaching programme takes care of the teaching of diplomate candidates. An active FNB in critical care programme provides focused critical care teaching.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates conducts around 700 neurosurgical cases a year. These include craniotomies, and neuro endoscopic procedures. The portfolio of neuroanaesthesia includes; neurovascular procedures, epilepsy mapping surgery, tumour surgery, posterior fossa surgeries, trauma, and decompression for cerebrovascular accidents. We can undertake awake craniotomies for seizure mapping, and anaesthetise patients for hybrid procedures in the angiography-suite for neurovascular work. We also anaesthetise for complex spinal decompressions at all levels. In house anaesthesia cover is available 24/7; hence we have enormous experience in neuro trauma. We take care of neuro intensive care and have the skills to handle advanced monitoring such as ICP monitoring, and Jugular venous saturation.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates maintains a dedicated obstetric anaesthetic team to provide obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia. The service is available 24/7. With the wide experience of the entire team, we look after high risk mothers for analgesia and anaesthesia. We work in synch with the obstetric team to make the birthing process enjoyable for the mothers.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates intends to grow along with its members, into fields of chronic pain management, long distance patient transport, and terminal care. We are actively looking for partners in expansion to more hospitals. Axon Anaesthesia Associates with its vast clinical spectrum is always looking to participate in clinical trials.
Axon Anaesthesia Associates practices a scientific means of managing the cardiovascular system. We understand the science guiding the management of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. We have the needed skills and access to hardware for monitoring the haemodynamics of a patient. We work closely with the industry to trial and teach newer forms of monitoring. We apply the skills and hold regular workshops to teach haemodynamic monitoring.
Patients sometimes need anaesthesia for various procedures undertaken outside the operating theatre. This situation could arise in the following areas, the cardiac cath lab, endoscopy, the CT and MRI suite, in the emergency room, and in the radiology department for major neurovascular and vascular interventional work. Axon Anaesthesia Associates has a long experience in dealing with these situations and providing the required advice and skill to man the above situations.