Axon Anaesthesia Associates is among the first in the private sector to identify and promote patient safety before, during and after surgery. With the motto of "Patient Safety First'', Axon has been pursuing a scientific approach to surgical patients, so that they will have the best outcomes. It also educates the patients and their relatives/friends about the importance of Anaesthesia during the perioperative period. This is possible because of the enormous knowledge base and the experience, that the Group has been acquiring for the last more than 2 decades.
The interaction of Axon with patients starts well before surgery – it starts from the time the decision for surgery is made. The operating surgeon sends the patient for a PAC or pre-anaesthetic check-up. During this consultation, the patient is assessed thoroughly, keeping in mind any medical conditions suffered by the patient, medications they are on, any previous anaesthetic experiences and the surgery which is proposed. After this, a risk evaluation is done and the patient is counselled regarding the type of anaesthesia which is appropriate for the procedure. In some situations, the patient may need only pain relief not surgery; for example for labour analgesia or pain relief during childbirth. Prenatal sessions are carried out by our anaesthetists in the obstetric hospitals we cover, and printed handouts are given as appropriate.
Qualified doctors, who are known as anaesthetists, administer anaesthesia. A doctor becomes an anaesthetist after a two-to-three-year postgraduate training after MBBS. Axon Anaesthesia Associates provides a "team care" approach: an anaesthetist evaluates a patient before surgery, discusses the case with peers/seniors and formulates a plan of anaesthesia suitable for the patient. An anaesthetist is present with the patient for the duration of the procedure and accompanies the patient to the recovery room, ensuring that the patient is calm and pain free. Anaesthesia is normally very safe, as due care and attention is taken to prevent the uncommon but known complications from occurring. You as a patient can do a lot to make anaesthesia a safe and uncomplicated procedure.
The pre-anaesthetic check-up (PAC) is an important part of your surgery; you get to meet your anaesthetist and get an opportunity to rest any fears. Tell your anaesthetist if you have any illnesses including a cold, it is useful to take a list of your medications or bring the medications along. Talk about your past experiences with anaesthesia if any, and how you reacted to them. Inform the team if you suspect ANY known allergies to anything, this could be to medication or to eggs. Tell the anaesthetist if you snore or you wake up at night breathless. If you suspect that you are pregnant, please inform the anaesthetist. The anaesthesia or the surgery could affect your pregnancy. If you have eaten or drunk anything you have to inform the staff. Please ask if you have any doubts or fears, the team will be happy to clarify and reassure you. Ask the anaesthetist for a phone number that you can call if you want any clarifications.
The anaesthetist will give simple instructions to you, including fasting before surgery and any change in your regular medications. It is important that they followed very carefully. Not following them could lead to hazardous complications. It is useful to note down the instructions or ask if you are in doubt.